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Suicide Prevention

Even in your darkest moments—you are not alone.

It’s OK to think about it, so let’s talk about it.

Even in your darkest moments—you are not alone. Crisis Services is always prepared to support you, and those you know, with suicide prevention and stigma-breaking information. Our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline is where you can safely and confidently speak with a specialist who knows what you are going through. We’re ready to help, no matter what.

The best time to talk about suicide is right now.

To chat with a counselor, click here M-F, 6PM-11PM

If you, or someone you know, is suicidal call the 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 716-834-3131

24-Hour Crisis Hotline 716-834-3131

To text, send a message to 716-300-2338

Text Line 716-300-2338

What are the warning signs of suicide?


Some signs can include:

Talking about suicide.

Helplessness and hopelessness.

Dramatic mood changes.

Withdrawal from normal activities.

Learn about the importance of safety planning.

Suicide Safety Plan

You can also download the Stanley-Brown Safety Planning App for iOS.

Safety Planning App

When More Help Is Needed

Please follow the links below for any additional information on these mental health programs:

Mobile Outreach Program
CIT-Crisis Case Management Program
Mental Health FAQs

Hope Is Possible

Other survivors want you to know that you can survive, as impossible as this may seem right now. In order to get through the next few days and weeks, the following tips are recommended by professionals, as well as survivors who have walked in your shoes:

  • Surround yourself with loved ones so that you are never alone.
  • Avoid using alcohol and drugs.
  • Talk to others.
  • Seek help in making major decisions.
  • If you have existing medical, psychiatric, or substance use issues, there is potential for relapse during this difficult time and should utilize all possible resources.
  • Seek medical attention for yourself, if needed.
  • Contact Crisis Services for professional assistance.
  • Understand that loved ones do not always know the right things to say—it’s okay to ask them for help and support.

Trauma Response & Suicide Survivor Loss

The Trauma Response Program provides intervention to individuals, families, and groups that have been exposed to a traumatic event. Counselors are trained and experienced in responding to the aftermath of suicide and are available 24-Hours a day for telephone support and guidance, or face-to-face services. 

These events include, but are not limited to suicide loss, fire, robbery, community violence, workplace death, loss through homicide, natural disasters, and support for first responders.

Services are available immediately following a traumatic event or shortly thereafter. The response is not psychotherapy, but instead a process aimed at reducing the effects of the traumatic event and helping the individual or group return to their previous level of functioning. Services are based on the principles of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). The goal of the services is to prevent the long-term effects of trauma, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or anxiety disorders, that can sometimes be the result of trauma.

Services provided include:

Group Defusing
Group Debriefing
Individual Crisis Intervention Services

Through the intervention, participants process the event, the circumstances, and their thoughts and feelings associated with it, all of which assists in leading them toward recovery.  Participants learn and discuss the normal responses to traumatic events and are provided education and symptom management techniques.  Individuals in need of ongoing, longer term care are referred out to appropriate services in the community, such as grief counseling, mental health counseling, or support groups.

Services of the Trauma Response Program are available 24-Hours a day. Call 716-834-3131 and asking for the Trauma Response Program.


Are you a suicide survivor that would like to volunteer in the Trauma Response Program at Crisis Services? OASIS (Open Arms, Survivors Impacted by Suicide) was designed to bring those with personal experience to the front lines of suicide prevention. If you would like to know more about being an OASIS Volunteer, please call 716-834-3131 and ask to speak to the Coordinator of the Trauma Response Program.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline 716-834-3131

You Always Matter

Together we’re making a difference. You’re here for a reason, and here at Crisis Services, we’ve structured our programs to help those in need—no matter the circumstances. 

If you, or someone you know, are showing signs or having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please call our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline or if your outside of Erie County you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline 716-834-3131
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Toll Free) 1-800-273-TALK

Interested in working together to stop suicide? Looking for more resources? Learn more about local suicide prevention efforts from the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Erie County.

Suicide Prevention Coalition of Erie County

Do you have the skills, experience, and compassion to be a Crisis Services First Responder or volunteer?

There are opportunities to help at Crisis Services.